Key Issues in Developing Digital Health Industry is Data, Talent, and Business Model to Build Prosperous Ecosystem (2022-04-20)
April 13, Taiwan Digital Health Industry Development Association and PwC Taiwan co-hosted a forum “Key Trends of Digital Health Industry Development”. Former Vice President Chen, Chien-Jen said that Taiwan has abundant research and development energy in healthcare field, as well as large data in National Health Insurance Research Databases, also with strong ICT and AI talents and technology. The number of Phase I & II clinical trials is leading in East Asia. Thus, Taiwan’s medical research is in the best way.
Chen, Liang-Gee, chairman of Taiwan Digital Health Industry Development Association, said that the global health industry is a 15 trillion-dollar business. As for Taiwan, this industry it is yet to be improved. But it certainly has a profitable future. The head of the biomedical industry at PwC Taiwan, Lin, Yu-Kuan, pointed out that the global economic and social environment are in turmoil due to the epidemic, but the digital health industry still showed an explosive growth in 2021, with global venture capital fund raise up to US$ 57.2 billion. Not only biomedical company, insurance, retail and tech company have been massive investment in digital health.
In panel discussion on “Key Issues in Developing Digital Health Industry”, co-founder and CEO of H2U Corp, Saxon Chen, said that it’s a global market of digital health industry, and the health application user experience is much larger than in medical field. There are over ten thousand physiological and exercise data are generated in the health data platform, and the algorithm would be trained and optimized to improve the health of families, employees, and citizens.
All the speakers agreed that the talent of ICT and biomedical industry is the strength of Taiwan, and patient’s need and humanity is the core issue of medical field. The ability to find and cultivate talents in digital health industry plays an important role in the sustainability of enterprise. H2U Corp. is committed to building a platform to benefit with partners in the digital health ecosystem. With the involvement of capital, talent, technology and innovative business model, digital health industry in Taiwan is promising for the prosperous future.